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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Markup Assist is a new feature in AutoCAD 2023 that makes it easy to incorporate feedback from paper or PDFs into your drawings. When you import markup from a paper or PDF, AutoCAD automatically embeds the page’s existing text, lines, dimensions, and/or symbols into the drawing. Simply insert or import a page into your drawing and select what portion of it you want to use—in this case, the page’s existing text, lines, dimensions, and/or symbols.Multiple items can be selected, and you can import and embed them all into your drawing in one step. If you’re working with a large paper or PDF, you can also import selected portions of it at one time. AutoCAD 2023 also provides a number of features to help you incorporate feedback more quickly, such asto make the changes on paper and then import them into your drawing.When you’re done, you can easily create a PDF that you can send to your AutoCAD user. Or you can export the drawing directly to a PDF file, such as for inclusion in an email or for sharing with a collaborator. You can also save the drawing to an external location, such as a folder on your hard drive.You can import, embed, and then export your changes as PDFs. (The previous sentence means that you can start with a paper or PDF page, import it, and automatically include all of its text, dimensions, and symbols.)Markup Import provides both precision and simplicity. It can be more precise than traditional drawing-based feedback tools because you don’t have to open a separate drawing to create the changes. It’s also faster than creating feedback in a separate drawing because you can just import and incorporate it into your current drawing.While you may prefer to edit text or other parts of your page in an application that provides more advanced functionality, including Page Layout, Markup Import can help you speed up the process. Import and embed what you need, then export the changes as a PDF.Drawing and Section Composition:You can easily design workflows that include making changes to existing parts of your drawing.For example, you canadd or subtract elements to a section to create an adjusted section;create a custom section template by copying an existing section; oradd a new section to your drawing.You can 2be273e24d


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